Saturday, March 7, 2009

Body Language

Body language

Body language is an unspoken communication which uses body movements. Between 60-80% of our message is communication through our body language, only 20-40% is communicated through actual words of a conversation.

Therefore, body language is important. You may want to know what you are saying and how to understand other people too.

To be effective in your communication, you have to follow these five tips on how to use your body:

(1) Eye contact is the most important part of dealing with other, especially with people we've just met. Good eye contact shows respect and interest in what they're saying. To get more clues from people's faces, notice their eyes. Friendliness and interest are showed when person's eyes meet your eyes, especially when you're the one who is talking. A person who doesn’t look away is showing a challenge. However, the person who doesn’t look at you is showing lack of interest or is shy.

(2) Mouth Movements mean a lot. We purse our lips and sometimes twist them to the side when we are thinking. A smile is another example for mouth movement that shows friendliness." Some people smile just to be polite, some to show that they're happy and some smile to criticize someone".

(3) Hand Gestures can mean a person is interested in the conversation. But repeating movements like tapping a pencil or tapping a foot often mean that the person is either impatient or nervous.

(4) Head Position is a great tip to use your body. When you want to feel sure about your ability to do things well or to be liked by people, keep your head level both horizontally and vertically. When you want to be friendly in a conversation or listening, make one side of your head higher than the other side. You can change this situation from left to right at different points in the conversation.

(5) Posture is the way that you sit or stand. If your posture is slump and your head is down, this means that you are maybe sad! However if your posture is straight but relaxed, you are expressing friendliness and happiness.

Another Information

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