Monday, February 16, 2009

Car accident

Car Accident

In this project, you will read many information about the car accident and I wrote some causes and side effects for this problems. I have written this topic for the reader who does not know any thing about the car accident. I collected all the photo only to help you to understand what I'm saying in the project. I'm interested that each reader will understand every thing in this project which is about the car accidents.
One of the most important problems in all countries of world is car accidents. The Car accidents can damage one or more autos, or people. .It causes thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of disabilities each year. Worldwide, car accidents kill more than one million people each year. There are many causes of the car accidents and these causes have a lot of side effects for people.


At the first, I will show the causes of this problem. The most important cause is the speed. The cars are transport devices from place to others. So, the people should use good style while driving the cars and don't drive the cars fast to prevent the roads accidents.

The second cause is the neglect during driving the car. The drivers should be concentrate in driving the car and see the road and every things in front of them .

Then there is major reason for car accidents that is drunk while driving. At the same time, however the car accidents alcohol related death rate of middle age people is still on a rise. A person who drunk and continues to present major threat to the safety of all road user.
About one third of death mong people between the ages of 15 to 24 are the results of m
otor vehicle related crashes.
However the drivers should not drink because the drinking makes them less concentrate in the driving. So, the drivers will do accidents and cause problem of other people in the road even they drive cars or use the road.

Other cause is the distance between the cars , there must be enough distance between one car and other to prevent accident in any sudden stopping.

Sometimes, the car accidents may happen because of weather. When the weather is bad that cause problems in the road, for example, in the rains happen a lot of collision between the cars and also the strong winds can cause difficulty in car driving.

Also, there is another cause, which is not taking care of traffic jams. Some drivers don't care about the rules of driving of cars and in the use of road. Also, the animal which loose in the road can cause big problems of car drivers.

The effects
Therefore, these problem has a lot of bad effects. The most important effect is the death. The death is very bad result of car accidents. That can make the children orphan especially from the fathers and makes the families are very sad. Also, the accidents can cause the death of the children when they are play in the road or while crossing the road . Then, the accidents cause a lot of disabilities for people in their life.

They will be disabled to move from place to other and they can't live easily life with others. They live bad and difficult life. Another effect is there will be many injuries in their society with different cases may be in the head, legs or hands.


Also, I will talk about several solutions of this problem that can help to lessen a car accidents .

First, the people should take care while driving the cars and keep convenient speed .

Second, all driver should be have driver's license and take care of traffic rules .


There are several way to prevent car accident:
· Be careful when you drive cars.
· Don't drive too fast.

· Try not to use G.S.M when you drive.
· Don't overtake when the road has traffic.
· Try not to speak with driver when he drives
· Don't drive when you drink alcohol.
· Don't drive when you feel tired or sleepy.

1 comment:

al-abri said...

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